Search My Google Blog -- Spec Savers - Eco Warrior - Recycle - Environmental - Grey Matter -- GUI -- Silver Surfer -- B&W

Hi Visitor Hi-Visibility Reflector Cat's Eye Road Traffic
Company Chief Director Governor

I Got a New 2nd Blog on Horizon Stratosphere the Spawn Blog Frog Tadpole -- Grasshopper -- Head On Over -- Welcome to the Inn
Roids Polaroids Minimal Mach 2 Creation 2009

Between the 2 Blog
Original Stays as Classic Design as Change to Designer Advanced Theme Template Will Crush it -- on Too Many Changes

And Didn't Notice until Later in Advanced Designer Theme Template It Can use Two Gadget Top and Many in Sidebar

I've Limit Both Blog at Moment to two Item Per Page as General as they Usual Quite Big

And First One With a Lot of Front End
But And in Classic Theme Template
Is Able to Have as Many Gadget and where ever Want Like Like Like

Make Your Own Advanced Designer But Have to Know what doing for Sidebar Thing if Begin from Simple One Column Page

I Found the Analyse Extension for Chrome
and Another Web Page URL Google Search Console to Work It Statistics And the Was Also Tell Me My Analyze Block of Code Given Was Not in The Right Place after Head Meta Tag Page -- Problem was Required a Double Wrap of Two Types of Rem Statement There

The Search Bar at Top Is Not Accurate Not Like Within the Blogger Edit Environment All Multi Search Are found
But Here Search Only finds the First Occurrence
Test Term Example Word 'Saturn' Should Find Two
The Search Bar has to be at Top -- I Never wanted it before that and then but now
or Everything Out of Alignment in My ''Simple Theme''
Makes look like my Header Of Page
Simple is the Only Theme that Doesn't Have Left Right Frame's
Soon is a Job this Blog -- UnDO all and any Font Colour Formatting on URL Link's In Blog Post
It Doesn't Show Right When URL One Colour for Clicked
Yes -- Google Changed It From 29 September 2k Sixteenth -- Now Has Only Search Within Blogger
Roids Polaroids

Creation Last Thu in Feb-2009 --
During a Stay at a Asylum Room 1997 at The Mill View Hopeital Asylum 2009 - 2015 UK - on Mobile Telephone Dial-Up

Share Hitt Me Score Bulls Eye - Between the Eye's - If You Want % Purr Feedback Counter Slurp Lap-Up LapTop Dancer Purr

Follow Me Button - White Rabbit - Black Cat % -- Wish See These Colourful Icon --> With Adblock Pro Enabled Won't See addthis

Page Views All Time

Anything You Find Anything Interesting Here By My Kind of Thing By Me Maybe
Anything Maybe Problem You Might Want Working On
And Then My Call Me by Email Contact Address Info: I'll Look Forward to Hear From You And Exchange Trade Some Idea Info
And Available Skype Me On-Line Internet CyberSpace Land Terafima - Space Book Grin Book
The Icon is Set for Telephone Call and Text Talk - I Wont Get a Call Myself Test to Test
and Multi Choice Option Either Way I'm Available And You Digit Finger Swing it Over to Telephone Call Maybe Skype Me
Maybe if You might want to and Be Intro in Telecommunication Medium Communication Contact With Me
Skype Me 020 3239 054*

And About Contact Glad You Also and Being a Kind an Helpful With Keeping The Hitt Count Knocker Up Alive and Flaming Stressing Pumping
Unable to Find the small In-Line Skype Button and Has Been Removed too Big -- Meant to Be an float in Over Something


Read Me -- If You -- Wish -- Want -- Need -- Ready -- Not Against Your Will / Wishes Of Course

Info Note

My Blog At Current Year Will Only Display The Two Latest Post Out Of 4 - In A Date Range View
So The New Nav Footer With Page Count When At Page Two
Jump To Year Before Missing Two This Year

I Was Trying To Find Display The Whole Blogger In One Screen
Google Will Only Allow A Whole Year

Google Analytics - Stats Is A Fun Thing

For Person To Access, My Stat Will Have To Be A Google Email Account Holder
Also, There Is Another Stat Where You Get An Email With Link To Show

For That One You Would Require An Email Linked To Gmail

If Interested And Then Request Yourself On My Email Sender If You Want A Look At Anything How It Works

I Get Very Low Hitt
But And Flickr on Other Hand Has K Hitt a Day

I Found To Turn Off Robot Hitt Recently And That Made Absolute Minimum Hitt

Recently I've Add To Template

1-- Long Ago I Added A Wrapper Code In Template So I Can Add Javascript In An Html Page As Long As It Has The Wrapper Around It Or The Source Code Will Delete On Save And Back To Editor -- Forgot What It Was For -- Some Complex Javascript Maybe Used A Few Times
2-- Horizontal Bar In Template
3-- Google Analytics - My Own Personal Stats
4-- Navigator Page With Count
5-- Learn Sitemap And The Labeling Done -- Not a Bigg as ADD to Do with Template
0-- Add This Web On-line Part 1 of 2 is the Common Code It Was Add to Template Maybe Record Better Info as On Every Page / Notice the Counter Hitt Never roll Up to Much Always Resetter Back to Naught

Not Find There Is Not Much Anymore I Feel Like Want In Widget / Or - Thesaurus - / Gadget Land

Well Next To Learn How To Take So Much Off My Landing Page
Or Answer Allow It Chocca
But Want Not Any On Other Page'S
There Is An Answer In Look at Site Map Has To Be On A Page
Learn From There

Somehow I Think I Got To Move Everything Off The Main Landing Page And Put That To Another Page

Complex For Me As I Got 58 Post Here Stacked Up

The Sitemap Gadget / Widget or Whatever The Name Label is

Will Only Display Pages And Is Different To The Archive Blog Post
The Sitemap Utilize The Label In The Blog Post

Talk About Blog Bull Tripe An Example Is Fb Grinbook It Seem For Me Is An Output Only - Some May Read -- I'm Not Sure Of That -- But To Link Or Reference To Another Post By Way Of Share
And Leave A Comment You Can See At The Orginal Location
Means People Output But Don't Communicate The Ability For A Long Talk Is Also Over On That
Shut Your Mouth
All Output Write and Not any Input Reader Means the Output is Going to Increase in Volume Noise 
Hitt Counter -- High Traffic -- and then Urban Pollution Problem
Rev It High - Gas Guzzler
Raze to the Ground
Piston Popper
Funny One
Got a Lot In the Pot 
Lot a Top already
Cam Shaft
Up and Down a Lot
High-Frequency Rev
Get a Grip
Raise the Rev

Peddle to the Floor

Next Up -- 
1. A Few Google Chrome Extension I Found Useful Want To Write About Sooner
2. Blog Post Numbering Would Be Nice - Looking for That when Found Navigate Page Footer
Don't forget
3. Registry Setup for Win XP in Batch File Language With All Relocatable Special Folders on a Small Drive - I'll Be Back for Them -- Such an On-Going Process to Draw to an End

One Other Last Thing these HTML Pages in the Layout are Easier to Edit 
and Not Lose Info 
If Edit in a Page and then Transport Here 
and Help is a Backup 
But Two Copy's of Everything 

20 June Monday
About Time -- I Add Search Bar -- There is Not Any Other Way for the Reader
I Used in the Blogger Editor Environment for Something and Thought
It Will Search All and Link I Provide Within
and Link Found in the Four Pages Of Blog List and Link List
Nice Test of New Search Under Term I Just Used Word Saturn 
and Search Will Only Find One occurrence
And Blogger Environment Will Find Two
And The Search Bar Has to Be Very Top as That is Where The Result are Returned

21 June Tuesday
Free Will -- Cause and Effect
Wish -- Don't Mind if I Do

Pages Sitemap - Sight Light - Shine - Screen Glare - Traffic Light - Router Map

Page Rank

PageRank -- Rank Stank Stinker Page Ink -- Blog WebLog Tree Log Paper - Post Pillar -- Ink Blob
Bottom of The Barrel
At Least Aye Eye Know Something of How to Commercial Break Advertise Myself
Got Not any Name - Got Not Any Brain
How Low Can You Go - VU-Meter - Peace Pipe SAS - Sound and Light
Hi Hitt Counter
Lota Noise Trafficker -- Digital On-Line Stop for Rememberance 24 Hour Shopping Market -- Golden Rain -- Pennys From Heaven
On Mon 18 July -- I Added 27 Email Contact to Access and Read The Analyse Analytics Page
These Are Two Main Land Page Be Interested In and For Future -- Click Around
This the Most Interesting -- Real-Time Overview - Analytics
This the Behaviour Overview History - Analytics
Your Require an Email Linked With @Gmail to Work It
I Entered Most My Address Book of Contact
Other Stat By Email Event Don't Require Gmail -- Request Me If You Want a Look -- Your Welcome

To Set, the Schedule Email Analytics Alert Find It Here -- For My ID Ref Only -- Manipulate the String ID for Your URL


Saturday, 13 June 2015

Fw: Voted Best Email Of The Year

Email Forwarded

I Received 3 Emails with pictures around the Time of 2008
One another user sent about a Snake eating a Lizard
And another from janet about
2008 The  President of Zimbabwe  - Robert  Mugabe
The Expense of his palace Luxury

You could call it pyramid scamming getting people to repost it
and sending a guilty complex message
Well It dont try and Con Money

If so facebook is one big pyramid scammer with a sharing button
Something I never used yet

I shall try to Post them other Two This one was the Most Complex to Reconstruct
There was a Smiley emotion that was invisible in the email 
and allowed to show here

From:  Janet Fleet to Me and Others
17 Nov 2008

Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 21:34:32 +0300


If you think you are unhappy, look at them

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends...

When you feel like giving up, think of this man

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her? 

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes  J  

             This email needs to circulate forever...:  


Best wishes

Dena Evans
Graphic Designer

Tel: 01743 263030
Fax: 01743 263031

Registered in England No. 4107084

Recreated By RoidsRim
There is a ConFlict of Interest as My eMail Is Stored after access
and the Message States It Want's to Left in Eternal Circulation
Bit Like a Chain Mail Spam Scam
It took Years - Until Now 
to Forward
Took Some Editing for This Blog

Friday, 5 June 2015

@Trip - # 2011-2012 -All Trips

@trip - # 2011-2012 -All Trips

My ID Page on @Trip
You Might need a get a Account to get my ID page

This Journey is 447.47 Miles 2011-July to 2012-Jan

I-Got-U - @Trip Device

While Liver at Room 14 - Aymer Road East Sussex

This is The Total of All Combined of All Trips
with GPS Logger - @trip - I-Got-U - Maplin Device

Model -- GT-120/600 a Tiny Handheld
Little White Thing With a Big Button to Switch On

Had Long Battery Life USB Rechargeable

Traveled to Worthing
Walking and in the Bus 700 Route

It Auto Shuts Down when you stay in One Place like Get back Home to Save Battery and save Remembering - Ready for Another Trip

You can Extract the GPS and Time Info in GPX or CSV Files

I found this Combined File but Have Lost the Individual Trip Files as a New OP Meant Exporting them one by One and they are on My Last Laptop and the Battery went Dead and I Threw it Away

Though I Think They are Stored In Profile Program Files and I may or May Not be able to Recover them

I got Two Other Smaller @Trips
They Can Be Found Publicly as Of Today

The Embed Preview HTML Didn't Work
I Think too Much Data Init


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Better Living Through Lobotomy: What can the history of psycho surgery tell us about medicine today?

Permission to copy My Source Granted _ All Orginal Source Dried Up on the WWW Internet 

Arguments For and Against ---
Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me than a Lobotomy
and Again ---
Sober as a Judge

Can't Look it Up Now
But Seven Deadly Sin's
One Of Them - to Be of Pure Conduct means Without Chemical Toxin's

Better Living Through Lobotomy: What can the history of psycho surgery tell us about medicine today?

from the Archives

This WebLink Get's a Connection Refused on My Computer

Seems It has Been Completely Removed from the interNet
With One Cache Link Snippet still showing

I don't think the WayBackMachine has it Either

Well I Don't have a Copy and Paste of Evidence But I clearly Remember the Web page Declare this Information can be Copy and Pasted into your own documents as free - Public Domain

and I give Credit to Source Links

Including Sue Bilkens for the Introduction


----- Original Message -----

From: "Sue Bilkens"
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: From the archives

-- Sat 12-Sep-09 08:03:23 --

"No I said its potions an psychiatric biology and its all a load of bullshit"
Susan From A.S.D Group

"Thorazine when it first came out was advertised as a chemical lobotomy.  At the
time lobotomies were common so the thorazine was sold as and new and improved type of lobotomy much more confinement then surgical lobotomy."



Better Living Through Lobotomy: What can the history of psycho surgery tell us about medicine today?

An Interview with Elliott Valentines

By Allison Xanthic Miller | Issue #21

In the mid-1930s, the eminent Portuguese neurologist Egad Monica, nearing the end of his career, was anxious to secure his reputation in the annals of science. He attended a medical symposium where a researcher reported marked behavioral changes in two chimpanzees after he had removed the frontal lobes of their brains; Monica decided to try something similar in humans. His first operations (performed by a colleague, because Monica suffered from crippling gout) consisted of injecting alcohol into several holes in the patients’ skulls. He soon moved on to cutting brain tissue by inserting an instrument comparable to a long, thin apple corer into the skull and twisting it around. As modified over the next fifteen years by other physicians, this procedure became one of the most widely prescribed treatments for serious mental illness: lobotomy. For this contribution to medicine, Monica won the Nobel Prize in 1949.

Of course, lobotomy now seems like a medically sanctioned form of torture. The main theory behind it was that anxiety and agitation could be quelled by severing the emotional center of the brain from the part that controls intellect, but the evidence to support this idea was meager. The person performing the surgery usually couldn't even see what he was cutting, and doctors considered patients "cured" after minimal follow-up. Yet, as Elliott S. Valentines points out in Great and Desperate Cures: The Rise and Decline of psycho surgery and Other Radical Treatments for Mental Illness (Basic Books, 1986), "Even a surgeon who was convinced that he was not obtaining good results seldom gave up lobotomy. It was difficult to admit that the effort had been completely wasted, especially when other surgeons were reporting success. Rather than abandoning psycho surgery, neurosurgeons much more commonly introduced some change in the operation in the hope of increasing the success rate."

Though now out of print, Valentines’s book provides the best history of the

lobotomy’s heyday, in the 1940s and ’50s, a story that is not a medical
aberration but rather a cautionary tale. "The factors that fostered [the
operations’] development and made them flourish," writes Valentines, "are still active today." Valentines, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Michigan, took time from his Fourth of July holiday to speak at length to Stay Free! –Allison Xanthic Miller

STAY FREE!: It seems that in the 1930s, when Egad Monica was doing the first lobotomies on humans, treating mental illness was urgent for some reason. The new "somatic" treatments--not only lobotomy but insulin comas and electroshock treatments [see sidebar]--weren’t just a way to help individuals, they were seen as something that could help solve a great social crisis.

VALENSTEIN: Well, there was a social crisis, you’re right. Mental institutions, particularly state institutions and large governmental institutions in all countries, were becoming more and more overcrowded because there weren’t any treatments for serious mental illness. They would try anything that held out hope and wasn’t very costly. Mostly it was somatic treatments, which people grasped at as a way of getting patients to a point where they could go home.

Governments were concerned about the rising costs of taking care of the mentally ill, making legislators and the superintendents of institutions very receptive to anyone who claimed that insulin treatment, electro convulsive shock, or fever treatment would cure schizophrenia. These somatic treatments tended to be much less costly and less labor intensive [than psychoanalysis].

STAY FREE!: Why were so many people in mental hospitals?

VALENSTEIN: Lots of people were mentally ill, just as there are many today. But now they tend to be treated with drugs and outpatient care. If all of these people were institutionalized, we would have the same kind of problem. Also, there were some patients who were committed more for the convenience of the husband or the family--wives who became mentally ill and troublesome. But I think mainly it was that there’s always a baseline number of mentally ill, and they kept accumulating in institutions.

STAY FREE!: Were the people who were lobotomized poor?

VALENSTEIN: Probably in most cases they were, but they weren’t all poor by any means. Private sanatoria, where lobotomies were also performed, catered to people who had money. It’s well known that President Kennedy’s sister Rosemary was mentally retarded and became difficult to control when she reached her twenties. Joseph Kennedy, the father, got the best medical advice he could at the time from people at Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the most prestigious places, and his daughter was lobotomized. It wasn’t a very good outcome, and to this day she’s living in an institution.

STAY FREE!: I guess lobotomy would have been hard to avoid if you were in psychiatry in the late ’40s and ’50s and you worked in a state hospital.

VALENSTEIN: That’s certainly true. People talked about psychoanalysis--ego and superego and its and repressed early experiences. But using that for treatment, particularly in state hospitals, was totally impractical, even if one judged that it could be effective. Most people today would think that for seriously ill people, psychoanalysis probably couldn’t help very much. Freud himself didn’t think psychoanalysis was appropriate for people with schizophrenia.

STAY FREE!: So lobotomy was used to treat schizophrenia and affective disorders [mood problems such as depression, mania, and bipolarity].

VALENSTEIN: At first it was considered for almost any kind of disorder. After a while, it was limited to people with affective disorders, people with

obsessive-compulsive disorders. Very deteriorated schizophrenics did receive the operation when it began to be performed on a huge scale [in the 1940s]. In the literature, one can sense a feeling that the best results occurred with patients who had depressive affective disorders, were manic or obsessive in a way that prevented them from going on with their life.

STAY FREE!: Maybe it was the first time any treatment could actually produce a change in their personality and their behavior.

VALENSTEIN: Yeah, probably that’s true. There are records from state hospitals that have come out since I've written the book which say that "We've tried one lobotomy on a patient and tried electro convulsive shock, and they’re still unmanageable. We ought to consider doing a second lobotomy." It was very common to do a second procedure if the first one didn’t work or didn’t calm a patient down.

STAY FREE!: How would they adapt the procedure to do it a second time? I mean, presumably they've cut the thing already.

VALENSTEIN: Yeah, but, for example, [Walter Freeman and his partner,

neurosurgeon James Watts] had kind of a standard procedure and a more radical procedure. The more radical meant that they essentially cut more; they disrupted more of the connections to the frontal lobes. The literature is filled with people who have had two and even three lobotomies.

STAY FREE!: Did you ever meet anyone who had had a lobotomy?

VALENSTEIN: Oh, yes. Quite a few. They vary tremendously. Some, you would not suspect that there was anything especially wrong with them. They may have seemed a little shallow, but you might not even be struck by that. There were people who went back to work and held responsible jobs after lobotomies, and others who essentially became vegetables. Some became very impulsive and childish in their behavior. The operations were so crude. Different parts of the brain were damaged, and the outcomes varied widely.

STAY FREE!: Walter Freeman’s transorbital lobotomy did not even require a surgeon or anesthesia. You wrote that Freeman, after electro shocking the patient into unconsciousness, used a surgical ice pick to enter the brain through the eye socket and moved the ice pick from side to side. He performed these operations in nonmedical settings such as his office, and in one case, a motel room. Was this invention a popular procedure?

VALENSTEIN: Oh, yes. Freeman spent his summers traveling in order to teach it. Walter Freeman had quite a reputation in the medical field. He was on a lot of boards that were setting up the credentialed of psychiatrists and neurologists.

And he was a very charismatic teacher. He had a lot of former students who became hospital superintendents and were only too willing to have their former professor come by and demonstrate a new technique. Freeman would train psychiatrists on cadavers and watch them perform a few procedures, all within a day and a half. And in the month or two following his departure, they would perform twenty or thirty such procedures and write them up in the state medical journals. This went on all over the country.

STAY FREE!: Walter Freeman is kind of the villain of Great and Desperate Cures, if there is one.

VALENSTEIN: Well, I try to describe him in a more complicated way. First of all, he was a very smart man. He knew the literature very well, he knew a lot of anatomy, and he had a rationale for lobotomy, which made some kind of sense in terms of what specific nerve tracts he thought should be cut. He was very concerned about his patients and he followed them up in a very conscientious way, out of his own pocket. I tried to describe him in terms of the conditions that existed at the time, and his belief that these patients were going to deteriorate, for which there was some justification because the state hospitals were very unhealthy. He did have cases in which people were able to be discharged after operations and went home to their families. Some held jobs, a few even held responsible jobs. So he was convinced that he was helping to clear out the state hospitals and really believed he was doing a good thing. I talked at length to one of Walter Freeman’s sons, Walter Freeman III, because I knew

his father had written an unpublished autobiography. He was a little reluctant to share it at first. After my book came out, he sent me a letter, and I was really concerned about his reaction to the book, but he paid me the nicest compliment. He said he went out after reading the book and bought five copies to give to his children so they would know something about their grandfather. So I felt that I had not described him simply as a villain. I think to do that tends to trivialities the whole story--saying there’s an evil man out there or a group of men and they did evil things, viewing it only in that context of abnormality.
It was not an abnormality. It was something that was praised. You know, the Nobel Prize was given to the Portuguese neurologist who introduced prefrontal lobotomy, Egad Monica.

STAY FREE!: It’s very touching that Freeman sent Christmas cards to all his lobotomy patients.

VALENSTEIN: That’s right. He mailed thousands of them and made great efforts to follow up with his patients.

STAY FREE!: He seemed to be very media savvy, judging by both what he was publishing in the medical journals and in how he dealt with the popular press.

VALENSTEIN: There’s no question that he liked publicity. Practically every time he went to a meeting, he packed the audience with reporters he knew, and it was written up in Time magazine, The New York Times, or Life. Media coverage played a huge role in popularizing the lobotomy. When Freeman went around to the state hospitals in little rural areas, the local newspaper would make his visit the lead article. And the superintendents of these places encouraged that because it made them look good: here they are out in the boondocks and a famous doctor has

visited them.

STAY FREE!: Did Freeman ever contact the local newspaper before he got there?

VALENSTEIN: He probably suggested it at times, but the superintendents would be only too happy to do it on their own. It not only gave them publicity, it had practical implications. You could take that to the state legislature and show them how up-to-date your hospital was and how you needed more funding and things of that sort. But these articles in the popular media just generated a demand for the procedure.

STAY FREE!: Was the medical media establishment as big as it is now? We see news stories every night about some breakthrough.

VALENSTEIN: I’d hesitate to make a comparison, but everyone in those days--I can remember having lived through them--got Time magazine or sat in a barber chair and looked through Life magazine. There were three or four large articles on lobotomy in the Saturday Evening Post or Life, all suggesting that people who were hopeless could be cured. There wasn’t television, so we didn’t get bombarded the way we are today, but I think almost everyone browsed through those magazines. These state asylums were also being covered in all kinds of articles and books about how horrible they were. Life actually compared them--unjustifiably--to concentration camps. Right after the end of the war, when all the pictures of all the camps were being revealed, Life ran pictures of mental patients, nude, sitting on concrete steps in big halls and rooms that just reeked of excrement.

STAY FREE!: Why did lobotomy go into decline?

VALENSTEIN: It started in the middle to late ’50s, at the time of the

introduction of neutralistic drugs--Thorazine and some of the antidepressants.
There was a whole group of them that came out in the late 1950s. They were often given in massive doses, and they seemed to be producing the same kind of effects as a lobotomy. If you've seen anybody on drugs like Thorazine, their face is expressionless and the saliva’s dripping out of the corner of their mouth.
People referred to Thorazine as a chemical lobotomy, and it was much more convenient than performing surgery. It was more cost-efficient because it didn't require a neurosurgeon and it didn't require intensive postoperative care. So it very quickly replaced the operations.

STAY FREE!: And the popular media didn’t play a role in that?

VALENSTEIN: No, not really. It was just that within the institutions themselves there was a switch. People just sort of forgot about lobotomy when the physicians began to use drugs.

STAY FREE!: Was there also a social or political backlash against the procedure, kind of what you see going on today against the "talking cure"?

VALENSTEIN: No, there wasn’t, for several reasons. The custom of attacking medicine and even suing for malpractice didn't exist at that time, or was almost nonexistent. Doctors were rarely questioned about anything they tried, and institutionalized patients were completely at the disposal of the staff in terms of treatment. And it was almost considered unethical for physicians to criticize other physicians, which certainly isn't the case now. So there was a surprisingly little amount of criticism of lobotomy. There were certainly psychiatrists who didn't like the procedure at all and were critical among themselves. But in terms of public statements and articles in medical journals, criticism was scarce until the end of the heyday of lobotomy. The backlash against lobotomy actually came up in the ’70s, when there was a fear of a revival of the operation and people began to talk about the horrible things that happened during the lobotomy period.

STAY FREE!: What brought on the backlash? How did that come about?

VALENSTEIN: Well, there were some scientists who argued that, since we now know a lot more about the brain, psycho surgery should be revisited. This was at a time when there was a lot of public concern about violence in the streets. Two doctors, Frank Ervin and Vernon Mark, had published a book called Violence and the Brain, which argued that brain abnormalities can cause violence. Word got out that the Department of Justice, which maintains federal prisons and special prisons for violent inmates, had some exchanges with the authors. There was a lot of suspicion that the Department of Justice was going to perform massive

psychosurgical procedures on violent prisoners as a means of social control. So it became a big issue in some circles. I was at some neuroscience meetings that discussed the biology of aggression, and people came in and broke up the meeting and demanded time on the program.

STAY FREE!: Was there any truth to the rumors that lobotomy was being performed in prisons?

VALENSTEIN: Well, I did some investigation, and there were suspicious things happening in one prison in California. When I wrote, the warden was very open and sent me material. It turned out that there were a few operations performed on prisoners--people who had seizures and behavior abnormalities associated with the seizures, and the operations were really done in part at least to ameliorate the number of seizures, which is not uncommon. But these people also had violent outbursts sometimes associated with the seizures. In general, that’s sort of a fuzzy borderline between psycho surgery and neurological surgery. Still, I think the reports of what went on there were grossly exaggerated. But there was this fear that there was going to be a revival of interest in lobotomy, and it became

a political and a civil rights issue because of the prevalence of minority
groups in prison. I became interested in the topic because in Brain Control
[published in 1973] I had talked a little bit about how certain neurosurgical
procedures were a result of misinterpreting animal experiments.

STAY FREE!: How did the people you were writing about respond to your work?

VALENSTEIN: All the people I talked to were quite open. Occasionally when I would talk at meetings, a surgeon would stand up and say, "You don’t understand what was going on; we really helped all of those people," clearly being very defensive. But I talked to people who not only had performed some of the procedures but had attempted to study what was going on and had a broader perspective than, say, a clinician who had just performed the operations. Many of the people I saw, even though they themselves had participated in it, recognized that the exuberance that took place just went out of control.

STAY FREE!: What are the parallels between the lobotomy period and what’s going on today? There’s a lot of enthusiasm for what used to be called somatic treatment, going after mental disease as a physical set of symptoms. You wrote about this in your latest book, Blaming the Brain.

VALENSTEIN: The influence of the pharmaceutical companies is so great these days because of the resources they have at their disposal. There are tremendous economic factors distorting the practice of medicine, just as there were in the lobotomy period. It is hard to find any clinicians or researchers who don’t have vested interests in the development of procedures or drugs. I mean that. Of course, they will deny that funding from drug companies has an influence, but it is so subtle that they’re unaware of it themselves. Studies have shown that if you look at reports on drugs that are competing to treat the same patient population, and if you look at the connection that the people doing the studies have with the companies involved, the results that they find--not only the opinions they express but the actual data--clearly reflect their own vested interest. I don’t think people really lie, but it happens in very subtle ways, like disqualifying patients because they are ill with something else. Those same patients would not be omitted if their outcome supported the conclusions the researcher wanted. And there are professional interests as well: psychiatrists have to compete with social workers, clinical psychologists, counselors of all sorts. Most people who seek help for a mental problem do not go to a psychiatrist. So there’s a strong economic reason why psychiatrists are very supportive of drugs: protecting their own turf. That’s not the only reason, but it certainly has an influence.


See also: More than one way to skin a cat

Electro convulsive (electroshock) therapy (ECT): In electroshock, a series of electric pulses delivered to the brain causes a seizure. Today ECT is used most often to treat major depression after drugs have failed. Scientists think it works by altering electrochemical pro-cesses in the brain. ECT is controversial due to side effects that include memory loss and, some argue, brain damage.

Fever treatment: Introduced in 1917 by injecting malaria into patients whom syphilis had turned insane. Surprisingly effective, the treatment was widely used before the rise of penicillin and antibiotics.

Insulin coma: In 1933 Manfred Sakel mistakenly gave a diabetic mental patient too much insulin, which put her into a coma. After he revived the patient, her psychological symptoms had improved, and the first form of shock treatment was born.

Metrazol shock therapy: Introduced in 1934 as a safer, easier alternative to insulin therapy. An injection of Metrazol induced an epileptic seizure.


By RoidsRim

An Eight Step Story of Links
Part 1 of 3

Monkeys On LSD


Erowid LSD Related Death of Elephant in 1962


Baby elephant torn from its mother has passionate reunion


Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry - Elephant LSD

Loren Mosher Bio | Soteria


From The Freeman - R D Laing - Thomas Szasz

Anti-Psychiatry Anti-Cohesion -
Evidence of R D Laing LSD taking at Asylum
WayBackMachine Thomas Szasz Pulled his Page down of Own Web Before His Death
and Moments after I found this Source About Anti-Psychiatry
From the Many Document to Choose to go Through
Titled - Anti-Cohesion is not Anti-Psychiatry

Better Living Through Lobotomy: What can the history...

The Rise and Fall of the prefrontal lobotomy – Neurophilosophy

Long Blog Ending Spanning 2007 to 2014 Then Suspended


Part 2 of 3

Glossary: Drugs and Alcohol - health - 04 September 2006 - New Scientist

Meet Your Brain Waves — Introducing Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, And Gamma

Brain, Mind, and Altered States of Consciousness

Search "100%" to Find Part of Joe Kamiya Biofeedback Machine

Well I got to Cut Short this Little One

Google Don't Provide History of Result
Clicked Links
only What Is Searched from Google Search Engine
Not Like Firefox but I stopped using that because crashes
And I can't Search Google History to a Date Page and then Scroll
seems Limited
Well I Say That after Back Searching Trouble I Had Recently On Another Subject

After Searching Brainwaves Alpha Beta and EEG Machine

I stumbled on Religious Brainwashing Also but Not Traceable

And I had read some history on how the EEG BioFeedback

Male Inventor Had Moved to Australia to Continue Work Without Funding by Psychiatry Health and how the Machine were Expensive and sough after

And another Feud was making out of Sync Stereo Sine Wave Tapes

to Listen and Claiming hugely expensive
and is in the last link


Part 3 of 3

a Cool Mental Health Survivor Activist
Anti-Cohesion is not Anti-Psychiatry

CHRUSP - Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
