Unknown Date in Title 28-10-2008
Good Programs you can write if a programmer my ideas
over time
Auto Clipboard
to do this requires that you scan for the first 7 common clip boards
unless your pro style your only interests in text
many progs have objects to paste
and they are not first 7 you have to scan -32000 to +32k
for them
or something wont work
I use mine to make sure other progs dont clear the Clip board special when
by make sure never empty put last back
hurm nx
keep a list of last 50 400 exe's ran so when develop code an have no links
yet can quick run again
sort dupes out
use api to change idle speed of programs to low maybe
remember you can visible.enable = false and enabled.enabled = True false
some dont like minimized use visible
if you find Prog Windowse on net very good at that
have on your send to
copy path an file to clipboard very good
Send to
filename to Txt File
and open that text file with extra info you need already edited in
create dir on another drive
notepad that can note text in that is put on your auto clipboard
good code in VB to run as another user with put password
I had to change user but unable to reinstall progs to new user this sorts it
as long still keep old user even if semi defunct
you want to grab url's and explorer erm hurm URL's??
search that
your find the keyboard hooking I use
(c) 2002 by Delphin Software
not only loggs can swap keys - block keys - enter keys into the proper
I have to block every key via a mouse button click then clean keyboard
Super Swap a Key don't throw that keyboard away
also if you like your hotkeys round the function keys and around numeric pad
dont forget you can use most of the alpha bet with alt an ctrl keys that are
hardly used
It don't like running in IDE
for tests unload when the mouse isn't hovering over your prog
Title: A reference MP3 tagging module (reads, writes and deletes every ID3
tag version from 1.0 to 2.4)http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=63163&lngWId=1
Title: ScanPath 2.0
Description: High Performance API based file/folder scanner. Single File
solution to quickly add file processing to any Utility Project. Scans a path
Best Code Known to Man
you write the additional part that just scan folder names faster even still
and also additional part the list dos short file names
COM for Winamp - version 2.1.1
Home Page
by John Adcock
this controls winamp
because you can only get only info that uses number info throu api's and not
text info more sought after
Dim oWinamp
Set oWinamp = CreateObject("WinampCOM.Application")
Txz$ = oWinamp.CurrentSongFileName
I thought it gave you code to compile the .dll yourself but no already
you have to unload reload this object every time you require info because it
doesn't know when you multi winamp -IE use and have more than one installed
and swap them
in example above you can tell if song change other ways so you wont poll
this resource too much
display what time a song going to end my final addition to many completed
for winamp
control notepad
put you own front end
coz if you ever change or del from win dir
it will replace with standard issue again
front end to another front tend that calls notepad or either text viewer
depend on size file
notepad2 web has text viewer program also
I only way I know how is to goto dos98 to do this
you may get into dos throu command another way
fastest for me
to keep notepad same file name yes
keep the other notepad in a diff dir
write your own lock
start here
Title: [[Extreme Lock V. 2 [Fully] improvedhttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=48339&lngWId=1
also magic this
keep it so you can still see your screen to see what is going on but if
activity then computer locks up
(Spider) like clear screen saver
ideas endless for this
disable cntl alt del risky
if while debug program
dont allow task manager to become anything other than minimized YES
'CRC Checksum Class
'A very fast solution to calculate the
'CRC Checksum (at the moment CRC16 and
'CRC32 values) with the help of some
'pre-compiled assembler code
'(c) 2000, Fredrik Qvarforthttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=28181&lngWId=1
27 odd bytes of assembler are stored in a variable and executed
if you got your own web space
write code change dir upload file repeat reoccurring until finished job
keep crc each file in list
keep list all files used when take out a file still remember coz you may put
back and not necessarily has changed since
' Striptag.frm
' By Herman Liu
' Stripping HTML tags can hardly be perfect, e.g. angled brackets and their
' are removed when in fact they are not tags, and on the other hand,
unpaired tags are
' not cleared during the process when they should be removed. Nevertheless,
it is a
' way to obtain certain desired output at times when there are no better
' on hand.
Best for VB
but VB.net can do in one command
Best for VB
this wont cater for badly written html unlike vb.net uses same no doubt as
inet-explorer which displays very badly written html as normal
get tick count only goes up to 32 days
you can get system start time by enumerate sys info
Cocaine Code
' ------ Class clsSunRiseSet
' Version 2.01
' -- The following method is exposed
'CalculateSun - Calculate sunrise, sunset and solar noon
' Scott Seligman
' Based off of
' http://www.srrb.noaa.gov/highlights/sunrise/gen.html
Title: A better Atomic Time Synchhttp://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=10929&lngWId=1
do your own not windows always set to a clock you know works
grabyourown IP
if you use email of hitts to your site in PHP use
$xmlstring = file_get_contents (
"http://www.infosniper.net/xml.php?ip_address=".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] );
// $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlstring ); //-------- wont work most php
wont support this
$msg = $msg."Geo Info Sniper --<br>".$xmlstring.'<br><br>';
because line SimpleXMLElement wont work just means you dont get nice looking
formatted txt
just joined word type text
Jamal 331 Pooboos 1100 Module:
Contains more than 250 useful functions (in three modules) ... Enjoy using
the functions
and you are free to use these functions within your projects...
Contact at Csjh331@hotmail.com
(C) 2003 Jamal 331
this has always been good to me www.FreeVBcode.com
weird name
Title: MoonStuff
Gets moon phase within 2 seconds for range of 10,000 years.http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=29000&lngWId=1
Download details: Speech Software Development Kit 5.1 - Windows Internet
Quote Someone's old handle this group
Paranoid Antenna
Thanks Bye
Roids Polaroids
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