Search My Google Blog -- Spec Savers - Eco Warrior - Recycle - Environmental - Grey Matter -- GUI -- Silver Surfer -- B&W

Hi Visitor Hi-Visibility Reflector Cat's Eye Road Traffic
Company Chief Director Governor

I Got a New 2nd Blog on Horizon Stratosphere the Spawn Blog Frog Tadpole -- Grasshopper -- Head On Over -- Welcome to the Inn
Roids Polaroids Minimal Mach 2 Creation 2009

Between the 2 Blog
Original Stays as Classic Design as Change to Designer Advanced Theme Template Will Crush it -- on Too Many Changes

And Didn't Notice until Later in Advanced Designer Theme Template It Can use Two Gadget Top and Many in Sidebar

I've Limit Both Blog at Moment to two Item Per Page as General as they Usual Quite Big

And First One With a Lot of Front End
But And in Classic Theme Template
Is Able to Have as Many Gadget and where ever Want Like Like Like

Make Your Own Advanced Designer But Have to Know what doing for Sidebar Thing if Begin from Simple One Column Page

I Found the Analyse Extension for Chrome
and Another Web Page URL Google Search Console to Work It Statistics And the Was Also Tell Me My Analyze Block of Code Given Was Not in The Right Place after Head Meta Tag Page -- Problem was Required a Double Wrap of Two Types of Rem Statement There

The Search Bar at Top Is Not Accurate Not Like Within the Blogger Edit Environment All Multi Search Are found
But Here Search Only finds the First Occurrence
Test Term Example Word 'Saturn' Should Find Two
The Search Bar has to be at Top -- I Never wanted it before that and then but now
or Everything Out of Alignment in My ''Simple Theme''
Makes look like my Header Of Page
Simple is the Only Theme that Doesn't Have Left Right Frame's
Soon is a Job this Blog -- UnDO all and any Font Colour Formatting on URL Link's In Blog Post
It Doesn't Show Right When URL One Colour for Clicked
Yes -- Google Changed It From 29 September 2k Sixteenth -- Now Has Only Search Within Blogger
Roids Polaroids

Creation Last Thu in Feb-2009 --
During a Stay at a Asylum Room 1997 at The Mill View Hopeital Asylum 2009 - 2015 UK - on Mobile Telephone Dial-Up

Share Hitt Me Score Bulls Eye - Between the Eye's - If You Want % Purr Feedback Counter Slurp Lap-Up LapTop Dancer Purr

Follow Me Button - White Rabbit - Black Cat % -- Wish See These Colourful Icon --> With Adblock Pro Enabled Won't See addthis

Page Views All Time

Anything You Find Anything Interesting Here By My Kind of Thing By Me Maybe
Anything Maybe Problem You Might Want Working On
And Then My Call Me by Email Contact Address Info: I'll Look Forward to Hear From You And Exchange Trade Some Idea Info
And Available Skype Me On-Line Internet CyberSpace Land Terafima - Space Book Grin Book
The Icon is Set for Telephone Call and Text Talk - I Wont Get a Call Myself Test to Test
and Multi Choice Option Either Way I'm Available And You Digit Finger Swing it Over to Telephone Call Maybe Skype Me
Maybe if You might want to and Be Intro in Telecommunication Medium Communication Contact With Me
Skype Me 020 3239 054*

And About Contact Glad You Also and Being a Kind an Helpful With Keeping The Hitt Count Knocker Up Alive and Flaming Stressing Pumping
Unable to Find the small In-Line Skype Button and Has Been Removed too Big -- Meant to Be an float in Over Something


Read Me -- If You -- Wish -- Want -- Need -- Ready -- Not Against Your Will / Wishes Of Course

Info Note

My Blog At Current Year Will Only Display The Two Latest Post Out Of 4 - In A Date Range View
So The New Nav Footer With Page Count When At Page Two
Jump To Year Before Missing Two This Year

I Was Trying To Find Display The Whole Blogger In One Screen
Google Will Only Allow A Whole Year

Google Analytics - Stats Is A Fun Thing

For Person To Access, My Stat Will Have To Be A Google Email Account Holder
Also, There Is Another Stat Where You Get An Email With Link To Show

For That One You Would Require An Email Linked To Gmail

If Interested And Then Request Yourself On My Email Sender If You Want A Look At Anything How It Works

I Get Very Low Hitt
But And Flickr on Other Hand Has K Hitt a Day

I Found To Turn Off Robot Hitt Recently And That Made Absolute Minimum Hitt

Recently I've Add To Template

1-- Long Ago I Added A Wrapper Code In Template So I Can Add Javascript In An Html Page As Long As It Has The Wrapper Around It Or The Source Code Will Delete On Save And Back To Editor -- Forgot What It Was For -- Some Complex Javascript Maybe Used A Few Times
2-- Horizontal Bar In Template
3-- Google Analytics - My Own Personal Stats
4-- Navigator Page With Count
5-- Learn Sitemap And The Labeling Done -- Not a Bigg as ADD to Do with Template
0-- Add This Web On-line Part 1 of 2 is the Common Code It Was Add to Template Maybe Record Better Info as On Every Page / Notice the Counter Hitt Never roll Up to Much Always Resetter Back to Naught

Not Find There Is Not Much Anymore I Feel Like Want In Widget / Or - Thesaurus - / Gadget Land

Well Next To Learn How To Take So Much Off My Landing Page
Or Answer Allow It Chocca
But Want Not Any On Other Page'S
There Is An Answer In Look at Site Map Has To Be On A Page
Learn From There

Somehow I Think I Got To Move Everything Off The Main Landing Page And Put That To Another Page

Complex For Me As I Got 58 Post Here Stacked Up

The Sitemap Gadget / Widget or Whatever The Name Label is

Will Only Display Pages And Is Different To The Archive Blog Post
The Sitemap Utilize The Label In The Blog Post

Talk About Blog Bull Tripe An Example Is Fb Grinbook It Seem For Me Is An Output Only - Some May Read -- I'm Not Sure Of That -- But To Link Or Reference To Another Post By Way Of Share
And Leave A Comment You Can See At The Orginal Location
Means People Output But Don't Communicate The Ability For A Long Talk Is Also Over On That
Shut Your Mouth
All Output Write and Not any Input Reader Means the Output is Going to Increase in Volume Noise 
Hitt Counter -- High Traffic -- and then Urban Pollution Problem
Rev It High - Gas Guzzler
Raze to the Ground
Piston Popper
Funny One
Got a Lot In the Pot 
Lot a Top already
Cam Shaft
Up and Down a Lot
High-Frequency Rev
Get a Grip
Raise the Rev

Peddle to the Floor

Next Up -- 
1. A Few Google Chrome Extension I Found Useful Want To Write About Sooner
2. Blog Post Numbering Would Be Nice - Looking for That when Found Navigate Page Footer
Don't forget
3. Registry Setup for Win XP in Batch File Language With All Relocatable Special Folders on a Small Drive - I'll Be Back for Them -- Such an On-Going Process to Draw to an End

One Other Last Thing these HTML Pages in the Layout are Easier to Edit 
and Not Lose Info 
If Edit in a Page and then Transport Here 
and Help is a Backup 
But Two Copy's of Everything 

20 June Monday
About Time -- I Add Search Bar -- There is Not Any Other Way for the Reader
I Used in the Blogger Editor Environment for Something and Thought
It Will Search All and Link I Provide Within
and Link Found in the Four Pages Of Blog List and Link List
Nice Test of New Search Under Term I Just Used Word Saturn 
and Search Will Only Find One occurrence
And Blogger Environment Will Find Two
And The Search Bar Has to Be Very Top as That is Where The Result are Returned

21 June Tuesday
Free Will -- Cause and Effect
Wish -- Don't Mind if I Do

Pages Sitemap - Sight Light - Shine - Screen Glare - Traffic Light - Router Map

Page Rank

PageRank -- Rank Stank Stinker Page Ink -- Blog WebLog Tree Log Paper - Post Pillar -- Ink Blob
Bottom of The Barrel
At Least Aye Eye Know Something of How to Commercial Break Advertise Myself
Got Not any Name - Got Not Any Brain
How Low Can You Go - VU-Meter - Peace Pipe SAS - Sound and Light
Hi Hitt Counter
Lota Noise Trafficker -- Digital On-Line Stop for Rememberance 24 Hour Shopping Market -- Golden Rain -- Pennys From Heaven
On Mon 18 July -- I Added 27 Email Contact to Access and Read The Analyse Analytics Page
These Are Two Main Land Page Be Interested In and For Future -- Click Around
This the Most Interesting -- Real-Time Overview - Analytics
This the Behaviour Overview History - Analytics
Your Require an Email Linked With @Gmail to Work It
I Entered Most My Address Book of Contact
Other Stat By Email Event Don't Require Gmail -- Request Me If You Want a Look -- Your Welcome

To Set, the Schedule Email Analytics Alert Find It Here -- For My ID Ref Only -- Manipulate the String ID for Your URL


Saturday 7 March 2009

Saturday Update Msg

Dear Sir

Please note that we have charged EUR 10,00 for the following purchase(s) made using your preferred method of payment,

NetNews-Service Freie Universität Berlin ZEDAT

Selected offer: 1 year News.Individual.NET (until 06 March 2010)
Amount to pay: EUR 10,00

Now I have UseNet also

I like reading people post and emailing forward to myself

Specially feme Borg from Alt.philosophy

She is missing since November last year
Lovely Warm Lady
I have 100's 1000's unread posts to continue play email to self
until she decides to come back again

I tried free news web for free Usenet
but my timeouts on dial up speed
wont let throu

this individual news is good coz even when subscription end an come back later an continue where left
less settings

Vodafone dont provide unet
they do provide the best web server so I here

they gave me 1000 free texts ontop of my bill
other day
well proud
up-ed from 250
coz I went over month before

I was texting a lot coz didn't have computer to keep occupied
having a rest from programming now
just minor mods to programs working on already

I text from my palm to my k700i that is bluetooth linked to thing
the palm TX has a match list of phone k700i is on the match list
thing is quite old now
the msg are sent to w880i then are group sent to destination

must find the date I can by a call, when my new contract starts an I can choose a new phone
oh yes it will even if pay extra be a blackberry storm
at least be future proof
I think is in April

the hoss says I only talk as needs rather than as conversation
is true
I became a writer thanks to a friend suggest that to me
has serve well I vent anger in writing
an today my though on it is a can prepare ideas before finally vocalising them
someone taught once
dont talk about what you dont know about
sometimes it is clear to know when a speaker not has a clue what speaking about
sometimes you have to take risks in conflict
but not jump in deep end before learnt to swim
but also careful Joe bananas
allsorts of ways to hide
Encryption in Electronic Comms And Or Non Electronic Media Comms
NHS Uses Intranet, Internal Comms

got to make my web reports open file its appending to, to make sure info not already there to make testing easier
like move email from done folder to work on folder

I have the security firewall system
the enables programming in outlook
it does ask a for a lot of allows
eventually a program will run without requiring allows

Soon I will be leaving hoss for destination BHT
I will for first time in two year have a BT connection
hip hooray
fast internet again
less late nights waiting hours

I kept my system going for nearly 2 years without a install
once I had to ditch a user and start using another
sorted out some cobwebs
I dont like to run registry cleaners anymore
not any particular bad luck
but cant risk anything crash system

most my setup is what created when had a connection

I uninstalled a program other day
took out a dll file I needed lucky the net has a spare backup dll webs
just put back

Friday 6 March 2009

A Post I put on Usenet Before 7th Hoss 2008

Hi There

Unknown Date in Title  28-10-2008

Good Programs you can write if a programmer my ideas
over time

Auto Clipboard
to do this requires that you scan for the first 7 common clip boards
unless your pro style your only interests in text

many progs have objects to paste
and they are not first 7 you have to scan -32000 to +32k
for them
or something wont work
I use mine to make sure other progs dont clear the Clip board special when
by make sure never empty put last back

hurm nx

keep a list of last 50 400 exe's ran so when develop code an have no links
yet can quick run again
sort dupes out

use api to change idle speed of programs to low maybe

remember you can visible.enable = false and enabled.enabled = True false
some dont like minimized use visible

if you find Prog Windowse on net very good at that

have on your send to
copy path an file to clipboard very good

Send to
filename to Txt File
and open that text file with extra info you need already edited in

create dir on another drive

notepad that can note text in that is put on your auto clipboard

good code in VB to run as another user with put password
I had to change user but unable to reinstall progs to new user this sorts it
as long still keep old user even if semi defunct

you want to grab url's and explorer erm hurm URL's??

search that
your find the keyboard hooking I use
(c) 2002 by Delphin Software

not only loggs can swap keys - block keys - enter keys into the proper
I have to block every key via a mouse button click then clean keyboard
Super Swap a Key don't throw that keyboard away
also if you like your hotkeys round the function keys and around numeric pad
dont forget you can use most of the alpha bet with alt an ctrl keys that are
hardly used

It don't like running in IDE
for tests unload when the mouse isn't hovering over your prog

Title: A reference MP3 tagging module (reads, writes and deletes every ID3
tag version from 1.0 to 2.4)

Title: ScanPath 2.0
Description: High Performance API based file/folder scanner. Single File
solution to quickly add file processing to any Utility Project. Scans a path
Best Code Known to Man
you write the additional part that just scan folder names faster even still
and also additional part the list dos short file names

COM for Winamp - version 2.1.1
Home Page
by John Adcock

this controls winamp
because you can only get only info that uses number info throu api's and not
text info more sought after
Dim oWinamp
Set oWinamp = CreateObject("WinampCOM.Application")
Txz$ = oWinamp.CurrentSongFileName

I thought it gave you code to compile the .dll yourself but no already

you have to unload reload this object every time you require info because it
doesn't know when you multi winamp -IE use and have more than one installed
and swap them
in example above you can tell if song change other ways so you wont poll
this resource too much

display what time a song going to end my final addition to many completed
for winamp

control notepad
put you own front end
coz if you ever change or del from win dir
it will replace with standard issue again
front end to another front tend that calls notepad or either text viewer
depend on size file
notepad2 web has text viewer program also

I only way I know how is to goto dos98 to do this
you may get into dos throu command another way
fastest for me

to keep notepad same file name yes
keep the other notepad in a diff dir

write your own lock
start here
Title: [[Extreme Lock V. 2 [Fully] improved

also magic this
keep it so you can still see your screen to see what is going on but if
activity then computer locks up
(Spider) like clear screen saver
ideas endless for this
disable cntl alt del risky
if while debug program

dont allow task manager to become anything other than minimized YES

'CRC Checksum Class
'A very fast solution to calculate the
'CRC Checksum (at the moment CRC16 and
'CRC32 values) with the help of some
'pre-compiled assembler code
'(c) 2000, Fredrik Qvarfort

27 odd bytes of assembler are stored in a variable and executed

if you got your own web space
write code change dir upload file repeat reoccurring until finished job
keep crc each file in list
keep list all files used when take out a file still remember coz you may put
back and not necessarily has changed since

' Striptag.frm
' By Herman Liu
' Stripping HTML tags can hardly be perfect, e.g. angled brackets and their
' are removed when in fact they are not tags, and on the other hand,
unpaired tags are
' not cleared during the process when they should be removed.  Nevertheless,
it is a
' way to obtain certain desired output at times when there are no better
' on hand.
its easy to strip taggs anything inside a < >

Best for VB
but can do in one command
Best for VB
this wont cater for badly written html unlike uses same no doubt as
inet-explorer which displays very badly written html as normal

get tick count only goes up to 32 days
you can get system start time by enumerate sys info

Cocaine Code
' ------ Class clsSunRiseSet
' Version 2.01
' -- The following method is exposed
'CalculateSun - Calculate sunrise, sunset and solar noon
' Scott Seligman
' Based off of


Title: A better Atomic Time Synch

do your own not windows always set to a clock you know works

grabyourown IP

if you use email of hitts to your site in PHP use
$xmlstring = file_get_contents (
// $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlstring ); //-------- wont work most php
wont support this
$msg = $msg."Geo Info Sniper --<br>".$xmlstring.'<br><br>';
because line SimpleXMLElement wont work just means you dont get nice looking
formatted txt
just joined word type text

Jamal 331 Pooboos 1100 Module:
Contains more than 250 useful functions (in three modules) ... Enjoy using
the functions
and you are free to use these functions within your projects...
Contact at

(C) 2003 Jamal 331
this has always been good to me

weird name

Title: MoonStuff
Gets moon phase within 2 seconds for range of 10,000 years.

Download details: Speech Software Development Kit 5.1 - Windows Internet


Quote Someone's old handle this group
Paranoid Antenna

Thanks Bye

Roids Polaroids

Anyone seen The Features Of My Mansion

And see The Features Of My Mansion


Air Con
Dress Area
Electric Shower
Washing Machine
Dish Washer
Mezzanine Area
Wet Room Shower
Single Guestroom
Dining Area
Wood Flr
Electric Heating
Laminated Floor
Shower Over Bath
Bathroom Ensuite To Bedroom
Kitchen Many Appliances
Wood Burning Stove
Modern Bathroom
Utility Area
Oven And Hob
Quite Road
Raised Area
Fridge Freezer
Gas Central Heating
Sea View
24 Hour Security
Porter Service
Parking Permit
Visitors Parking Permit
Private Parking
Private Street Entrance
Neutral Décor
Entrance Hall
Large Living Room
Master Bedroom
Roll Top Bath
Fitted Kitchen
Open Plan Living Room
Sash Window
Built-In Wardrobe
Walled Rear Garden
Bright Spacious Two Bedroom
Converted FF
Double Glazing
Heating Water Bills Included
Granite Surfaces An Range Cooker
Sun Room
Raised Ground Floor
Underfloor Heating
Landscaped Garden
High Ceilings
Impeccable Finish Through Out
Brand New Kitchen
Tennis Court
Mod To High Standard
Double Glazed Conservatory
Single Persons Only
Secure Parking
Loft Style Flat
Roof Terrace
Cats Cabling For Comms Tv Phone Net
Superb Presented
Sought After Location
3 Double Split Level Flat
Bespoke Kitchen And Bathroom
Good Order
Corner Bath
Minute Walk To Seafront
Mezzanine Office Area
Use Of Beach Hut
Breakfast Room
Sky Lights
French Doors Patio
Recessed Fitted Kitchen
Lawned Garden
Views Of Downs
Lounge, Feature Vaulted Ceiling
Integrated Sound System
Extra Basement
Exposed Beams
Lux Bath
Part Furnished
Recently Renovated
Huge L Shape Lounge
Wood Burn Stove
Swimming Pool Tennis An Gym ***
Mezzanine Sleep Area
Gallery Style Kitchen
Bow Front Master Room
Velux Window
Tiled Bathroom
Juliet Balcony
Self Contained Annexe
New Carpets
Wet Cellar
Panoramic Seafront Views
Contemporary Kitchen
Plumbing For Washing Machine
Exposed Brick Fireplace
Mezzanine Level
Well Maintained Block
Prestigious Address Adelaide Cres
Mock Tudor
Indoor Swim Pool ***
Remote Control Velux Windows
Neff Oven An Hob
Digital Thermostat Regulating Showers
BT And NTL Wired?
Bring Measure Tape When Viewing ***
Paved Rear Garden
Stainless Steel Sink
Furnished Or Unfinished
Office Space In Hall

Anyone seen my car

Anyone seen my car

Mercedes Black -- 2002 Mercedes-Benz CL-Class 

£14,995.00 Todays Price EBay
Safety Features
Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS),  Electronic Stability Program (ESP),  Immobiliser,
Alarm, Engine Size:  4,966 cc

Alarm, Anti-Theft System, Central Locking, Immobiliser, Locking Wheel Nuts, Privacy Glass, Remote Alarm, Remote Central Locking, Full Leather, Centre Armrest, Electric Seats, Heated Seats, Height Adjustable Seat, Lumbar Support, Retractable Headrests, Rear Armrest, Rear Headrests, Adjustable Steering Column, Colour SatNav, Cruise Control, Multi-function Steering Wheel, Parking Sensor, Power Steering, Stability Control, Traction Control, Trip Computer, ABS, Child Locks, Brake Assist, Multiple Airbags, Auto Lighting, Colour Coded Body, Headlamp Jetwash, Metallic Paintwork, Rain-Sensing Wipers, Xenon Headlamps, Auto-dip Rearview, Automatic Electric Windows, Electric Mirrors, Electric Windows, Powered Folding Mirrors, Self-levelling Suspension , Climate Control, Electric Sunroof, Multi-Disc CD Player, Radio, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Full service history

Roids Polaroids

Nx Post Progamming History

Hi There Blogger Spot Fans
I added few people and maxed out to ten possible
whom get email alert of new blog entry's

Hi Dennis, Judy, Andy Batty, Valerie, Marianne, Eddy, Auntie Gill

For everyone's info
I am at hoss again
They say early intervention is better
I say help is given to those that help self's get looked after by others
my 7th time
6th as inpatient
I been inpatient between here an another place nearly 2 years
I got a tribunal in 2 week
I wont be no where near ready
I am trying to negotiate a deal to withdraw completely
that being as long as I'm discharged from sect when leave hoss then I can withdraw from tribunal

thats a hard one
always gives my writer block in the late hour
I have a few notes in my pen book

just update for tonight my programming few last few weeks

I been hoss since end November 2008

I was in lockup ward all over new year

I went on run when told have to be at hoss again
I left hostel
stayed on downs manage to keep dry in rain that poured for days
in morning I took my soaked clothes to a laundry paid two pound an all dry in 30 mins
except trousers - not quite like the advert
looking normal on street in no time
this night I book into a hotel 4th floor
very good
whole point of running was I rather have my head and run than stay an taken away an lose it
I caught up with paper work and phone msgs
I had been put on the police national network as missing person
they send a text
they have quite a system
because I was trying to use my phone
but mostly I block all calls on a Sony
just to avoid withhelds
and only have a contact list
but comes up msg on phone when block as busy
thing was they can repeat dial so fast its was like DOS denial of service from me try use my phone

I reported the request to know where I am
I told safe but dont want to be found - ... Yet
the hospital reported an gave number
I found hotel to stay by type in cyber cafe
one night accommodation Brighton an hove
ding there bus along 1st ever stay
people on reception had a funny quick tongue

because I left place rutland not planning on escape plan at the time
I had little in the way of things
I bought a rack sack
phone chargers

I used cyber cafe a lot in town to keep out way
I had things to do
I had html list auto generated to give links to mp3's to down load on pen drive

I spent another two nights on downs
very cold
I got a blister under tongue from cold after last night 4 days run
police pick up
first time pickup on street at beach sea front at night
after stay at mates afternoon

I got a pair new trainers in town before
I came off the downs cabbed to town
walk along high street to town Sunday
photos of all shop an dark of morning with the shops neon lights

I looked for another hotel
it was rough where stay
nx time it was sat night the booking were dearer and most books had gone earlier
thanks to cyber cafes I can go on the runn

I had just turned 40 years

legally can say FOff age

I learn new things this hoss is good

there was abuse at the hostel I stayed pushed this way that
not welcome at all

I wont be go back there

I have got new place lined up called route one run by Brighton housing trust BHT

Mum is Okay

Onto Msg Idea

20 Jan - Moved regency ward

24 Jan - Put Door Counter on My LCD an Magnet Reed Relay switch trigg totally eco Batt Lasts Years
write down count before walk out door

26 Jan - withdraw from tribunal confirmed

27 Jan - a SW takes to dads while dad is on holiday so that I an collect some things

28 Jan - go pcworlds to get docking station speakers just for the jack input I not have Ipod but do have a zen

29 Jan - plays some zen 30 gig player walkman music to ward

01 Feb - brother take to get my computer I set thing up in a cupboard

01 Feb - Deep Snow Started

02 Feb - Giant snowball man come to garden by one lads

06 Feb - went mums first time since hoss saw Valerie on way

07 Feb - Play computer - Mostly sync mobile data

Spent Few Days Archiving Mail From Web Server been accumilating

setup new achive system in folders of years

12 Feb - show one of lads my music files

14 Feb - program my date 1991 unfinished work from last update now an next type thing shows on this day type stuff

15 Feb - Label covers for diary books been keeping

15 Feb - download two singles from Amazon one being creep by radio head as the kid nx door on pav play in room next door live with guitar

?? Feb - I have a program that makes headers from winamp mp3 folders usual to make standout have long filenames I uses max can get usual has detail of folder
but if I increase the folder name the file are still there but cannot delete unless short part again
but I found if I use dir /x in DOS command window list short filename then use del command an del from short success
so how do in programming well I cannot spec long to short to find same access problem
that program that wild card list files
well I modify that so its stores shortname data along with long - add a new field to database listview
then how to delete
only one way the deletfile API first time ever had to use
the program knows what to delete when makes headers so sweet
try and explain this to nurse Sarah

20 Feb - Rebuild Wave Header on a file that wasn't shutdown proper after record - Long time success on that

21 Feb - Program WebUpdater to create folder is dont exist minor hassle wanted less of when add new stuff to web
just go hassle of delete not used folders

22 Feb - Move computer to desk instead of cupboard

22 Feb - Lose Job book on bus maybe found yet got to go have look Lost Properties told something like that there week later double check

24 Feb - Bro visit go to dads again 3rd time

26 Feb - I work on this blogger set up
started from look at mobile can set up blog with Google
I have a special email I send posts to blog

27 Feb - New tribunal date 20 Mar 3 weeks notice
had 5 wks last time

27 Feb - Write code to caps start of words in files
Hard work that have got loads code
bit like ones an naughts square wave
when to capsulate
tire tracks in snow as someone said once
got somewhere than gave up

01 Mar - Continue work to code
-OF- Words Found about 110000 of them like
mountain of strength

02 Mar - Play My vice versa code this is program I paid for to do backups files by file
settings for each job stored in soft coded files
I can play with those files
my processor usage speed adjustments an command settings

02 Mar - Work on new code to display Jpeg files lot fun with that
My own Viewer with lot my own features for each file looking at
updated rotate clockwise 90 an save
views in mufti dir's
remember position when quit program
for each diff folder
bar graphs for folder currently in and all subfolders for dir working on
quick flips for folder favs ad more later hard coded
quick sway good pictures like into separate folder
click anywhere screen to pause unpause
press up down that pauses
space or f5 pause unpause
had my own code to resize dimensions for resizing
prob when save file has to go throu conversion
but nearly all programs do that
just make so better conversion
dont worry bigger file only just

make command line driven then can use front end program I used with the commercial freebie viewer used before that
400 millisecond slideshow
this is where learn command
explorer /select (filename)
quick look web found that

03 Mar - Make code to get my web statistics from email in outlook office
this adds loggs to place on hard drive
my logg come throu daily
this only way can do job
as I dont have access to logs on server
I made cunning workaround by having two copy's of advanced web stats on my web
one is in a locked dir
this I have settings to update files from logg files
the new result files are put on web that is in common area
thats the way to do it
my web updater automatically puts new loggs on the web
I just need now first time learn how to do to click a link on a web page with access rights
work that out

o here now at 06 mar
I continue work on these report codes

another I have to get fractals from yahoo fractal world had slowed down these day I collect a lot fractals from there

had some big job of sort all mail that had been redirect to folders needed some high speed cyber cafeing for that

Next jobs are to put area of vb code on my web I dont min put few my programs inzip projects but also code text for search engines
I need to make a list of routines in text file nice neat one day

know how to find the parent of a window
dont just ask
keep asking parent command
until no results left then last result before none was the one

Gota Go
Blogger Longer


Currently : Now First Quarter
Start @ : 04 Mar 07:46:58
Soon : Next Waxing Gibbous
in : 23:29:10 Mins/Secs
@: 07 Mar 02:33:20

Luminosity Now : 67.47908%
Luminosity Yester : 57.19275%
New Moon Age : 9.06 Day''s
Angle Of Illumination : 110.46

SunSet=05:48:56 <

Equinox %

Song Status = Playing...

Total Song Time = 59:58
Song Time Posi = 20:51
Percent % Song Played = 34.8%
Total Music Listened Today = 3:02:07
Total Music Listened Yester = 10:40:16

Mouse Today = 653643
Keys Today = 15030

Mouse Yester = 2510575
Keys Yester = 14625

Windoze Clicked Today = 689
Windoze Clicked Yester = 2513

Hovered Today = 4379
Hovered Yester = 18544

URL's and Explorer Windows
Today - URL's = 64 -- Explor's = 6
Yester - URL's = 69 -- Explor's = 820

Cpu Usage = 63%

-- Last & Next
Wed-25-02-2009---- Last New Moon * ---- @ Wed-25-Feb-2009 01:36:10a
Fri-27-02-2009---- Last Pay Day *Before End Of Month*
Sun-01-03-2009---- Last First sunday in lent ---- @ Sun-01-Mar-2009
Wed-11-03-2009---- Next Full Moon * ---- @ Wed-11-Mar-2009 02:38:51a
Fri-20-03-2009---- Next Vernal Equinox ---- @ Fri-20-Mar-2009
Sun-22-03-2009---- Next Mothering Sunday 4th Sunday in Lent ---- @ Sun-22-Mar-2009
Thu-26-03-2009---- Next New Moon * ---- @ Thu-26-Mar-2009 04:07:05p

Monday 2 March 2009

Nx Post - Monday 2nd Mar

Wats Going on Today
At Choc O Factory
I wrote Program to list all words
like ??? Of ??? ???
list all Of word Usage
Like King Of the Hill
found 110000
took while and results played with before save copy then lost them
have to run again now
nice to see how quick Google alerts come on this blog from RoidRim Handle
someone in Pavilion Lock up ward said his old CB Radio Handle was Vandal
from said from Vans skateboarder Shoes
I also Program my own at last jpg view from main code engine to decode made by another
my toolkit
was quite hard
an I have to write code to resize image and keep proportionate
found out new code
shell explorer with /select rather than just /e,
then selector is pointing to file you want when open folder
wondered that for ages
then a new search idea boarding on simple found answer
thats all
Bye From
Matty Roids Polaroids Rascal