Search My Google Blog -- Spec Savers - Eco Warrior - Recycle - Environmental - Grey Matter -- GUI -- Silver Surfer -- B&W

Hi Visitor Hi-Visibility Reflector Cat's Eye Road Traffic
Company Chief Director Governor

I Got a New 2nd Blog on Horizon Stratosphere the Spawn Blog Frog Tadpole -- Grasshopper -- Head On Over -- Welcome to the Inn
Roids Polaroids Minimal Mach 2 Creation 2009

Between the 2 Blog
Original Stays as Classic Design as Change to Designer Advanced Theme Template Will Crush it -- on Too Many Changes

And Didn't Notice until Later in Advanced Designer Theme Template It Can use Two Gadget Top and Many in Sidebar

I've Limit Both Blog at Moment to two Item Per Page as General as they Usual Quite Big

And First One With a Lot of Front End
But And in Classic Theme Template
Is Able to Have as Many Gadget and where ever Want Like Like Like

Make Your Own Advanced Designer But Have to Know what doing for Sidebar Thing if Begin from Simple One Column Page

I Found the Analyse Extension for Chrome
and Another Web Page URL Google Search Console to Work It Statistics And the Was Also Tell Me My Analyze Block of Code Given Was Not in The Right Place after Head Meta Tag Page -- Problem was Required a Double Wrap of Two Types of Rem Statement There

The Search Bar at Top Is Not Accurate Not Like Within the Blogger Edit Environment All Multi Search Are found
But Here Search Only finds the First Occurrence
Test Term Example Word 'Saturn' Should Find Two
The Search Bar has to be at Top -- I Never wanted it before that and then but now
or Everything Out of Alignment in My ''Simple Theme''
Makes look like my Header Of Page
Simple is the Only Theme that Doesn't Have Left Right Frame's
Soon is a Job this Blog -- UnDO all and any Font Colour Formatting on URL Link's In Blog Post
It Doesn't Show Right When URL One Colour for Clicked
Yes -- Google Changed It From 29 September 2k Sixteenth -- Now Has Only Search Within Blogger
Roids Polaroids

Creation Last Thu in Feb-2009 --
During a Stay at a Asylum Room 1997 at The Mill View Hopeital Asylum 2009 - 2015 UK - on Mobile Telephone Dial-Up

Share Hitt Me Score Bulls Eye - Between the Eye's - If You Want % Purr Feedback Counter Slurp Lap-Up LapTop Dancer Purr

Follow Me Button - White Rabbit - Black Cat % -- Wish See These Colourful Icon --> With Adblock Pro Enabled Won't See addthis

Page Views All Time

Anything You Find Anything Interesting Here By My Kind of Thing By Me Maybe
Anything Maybe Problem You Might Want Working On
And Then My Call Me by Email Contact Address Info: I'll Look Forward to Hear From You And Exchange Trade Some Idea Info
And Available Skype Me On-Line Internet CyberSpace Land Terafima - Space Book Grin Book
The Icon is Set for Telephone Call and Text Talk - I Wont Get a Call Myself Test to Test
and Multi Choice Option Either Way I'm Available And You Digit Finger Swing it Over to Telephone Call Maybe Skype Me
Maybe if You might want to and Be Intro in Telecommunication Medium Communication Contact With Me
Skype Me 020 3239 054*

And About Contact Glad You Also and Being a Kind an Helpful With Keeping The Hitt Count Knocker Up Alive and Flaming Stressing Pumping
Unable to Find the small In-Line Skype Button and Has Been Removed too Big -- Meant to Be an float in Over Something


Read Me -- If You -- Wish -- Want -- Need -- Ready -- Not Against Your Will / Wishes Of Course

Info Note

My Blog At Current Year Will Only Display The Two Latest Post Out Of 4 - In A Date Range View
So The New Nav Footer With Page Count When At Page Two
Jump To Year Before Missing Two This Year

I Was Trying To Find Display The Whole Blogger In One Screen
Google Will Only Allow A Whole Year

Google Analytics - Stats Is A Fun Thing

For Person To Access, My Stat Will Have To Be A Google Email Account Holder
Also, There Is Another Stat Where You Get An Email With Link To Show

For That One You Would Require An Email Linked To Gmail

If Interested And Then Request Yourself On My Email Sender If You Want A Look At Anything How It Works

I Get Very Low Hitt
But And Flickr on Other Hand Has K Hitt a Day

I Found To Turn Off Robot Hitt Recently And That Made Absolute Minimum Hitt

Recently I've Add To Template

1-- Long Ago I Added A Wrapper Code In Template So I Can Add Javascript In An Html Page As Long As It Has The Wrapper Around It Or The Source Code Will Delete On Save And Back To Editor -- Forgot What It Was For -- Some Complex Javascript Maybe Used A Few Times
2-- Horizontal Bar In Template
3-- Google Analytics - My Own Personal Stats
4-- Navigator Page With Count
5-- Learn Sitemap And The Labeling Done -- Not a Bigg as ADD to Do with Template
0-- Add This Web On-line Part 1 of 2 is the Common Code It Was Add to Template Maybe Record Better Info as On Every Page / Notice the Counter Hitt Never roll Up to Much Always Resetter Back to Naught

Not Find There Is Not Much Anymore I Feel Like Want In Widget / Or - Thesaurus - / Gadget Land

Well Next To Learn How To Take So Much Off My Landing Page
Or Answer Allow It Chocca
But Want Not Any On Other Page'S
There Is An Answer In Look at Site Map Has To Be On A Page
Learn From There

Somehow I Think I Got To Move Everything Off The Main Landing Page And Put That To Another Page

Complex For Me As I Got 58 Post Here Stacked Up

The Sitemap Gadget / Widget or Whatever The Name Label is

Will Only Display Pages And Is Different To The Archive Blog Post
The Sitemap Utilize The Label In The Blog Post

Talk About Blog Bull Tripe An Example Is Fb Grinbook It Seem For Me Is An Output Only - Some May Read -- I'm Not Sure Of That -- But To Link Or Reference To Another Post By Way Of Share
And Leave A Comment You Can See At The Orginal Location
Means People Output But Don't Communicate The Ability For A Long Talk Is Also Over On That
Shut Your Mouth
All Output Write and Not any Input Reader Means the Output is Going to Increase in Volume Noise 
Hitt Counter -- High Traffic -- and then Urban Pollution Problem
Rev It High - Gas Guzzler
Raze to the Ground
Piston Popper
Funny One
Got a Lot In the Pot 
Lot a Top already
Cam Shaft
Up and Down a Lot
High-Frequency Rev
Get a Grip
Raise the Rev

Peddle to the Floor

Next Up -- 
1. A Few Google Chrome Extension I Found Useful Want To Write About Sooner
2. Blog Post Numbering Would Be Nice - Looking for That when Found Navigate Page Footer
Don't forget
3. Registry Setup for Win XP in Batch File Language With All Relocatable Special Folders on a Small Drive - I'll Be Back for Them -- Such an On-Going Process to Draw to an End

One Other Last Thing these HTML Pages in the Layout are Easier to Edit 
and Not Lose Info 
If Edit in a Page and then Transport Here 
and Help is a Backup 
But Two Copy's of Everything 

20 June Monday
About Time -- I Add Search Bar -- There is Not Any Other Way for the Reader
I Used in the Blogger Editor Environment for Something and Thought
It Will Search All and Link I Provide Within
and Link Found in the Four Pages Of Blog List and Link List
Nice Test of New Search Under Term I Just Used Word Saturn 
and Search Will Only Find One occurrence
And Blogger Environment Will Find Two
And The Search Bar Has to Be Very Top as That is Where The Result are Returned

21 June Tuesday
Free Will -- Cause and Effect
Wish -- Don't Mind if I Do

Pages Sitemap - Sight Light - Shine - Screen Glare - Traffic Light - Router Map

Page Rank

PageRank -- Rank Stank Stinker Page Ink -- Blog WebLog Tree Log Paper - Post Pillar -- Ink Blob
Bottom of The Barrel
At Least Aye Eye Know Something of How to Commercial Break Advertise Myself
Got Not any Name - Got Not Any Brain
How Low Can You Go - VU-Meter - Peace Pipe SAS - Sound and Light
Hi Hitt Counter
Lota Noise Trafficker -- Digital On-Line Stop for Rememberance 24 Hour Shopping Market -- Golden Rain -- Pennys From Heaven
On Mon 18 July -- I Added 27 Email Contact to Access and Read The Analyse Analytics Page
These Are Two Main Land Page Be Interested In and For Future -- Click Around
This the Most Interesting -- Real-Time Overview - Analytics
This the Behaviour Overview History - Analytics
Your Require an Email Linked With @Gmail to Work It
I Entered Most My Address Book of Contact
Other Stat By Email Event Don't Require Gmail -- Request Me If You Want a Look -- Your Welcome

To Set, the Schedule Email Analytics Alert Find It Here -- For My ID Ref Only -- Manipulate the String ID for Your URL


Friday 29 May 2015 - Techno Voice Sample Clips

Hi There

I Just Uploaded 70 Techno Voice Sample Clips to a playlist on

I used to have them on My Website 
of which I disowned the domain name in 2014

They are Quite Cool 
There is a Long Explanation description with the Collection on
Paying Tribute to DJ authors and about Copyright Condictions with Service Provider
and the History of my Computing Software use in Audio Editing

Forgetting to mention my MP3 Tagging Code Programming Useful for Displays on personal MP3 Players Like my 30Gig Creative Zen until It Bricked

You don't get much space on and I don't want the pay for service as I went my files to stay permantly on internet

I Removed some that were of the Fast Show Because SoundCloud Claim they will delete accounts of copyright infringers
and they are very strict a Auto Algorymn has Tracked down one in moments which educated me to the original Artist from my DJ Freak Mix Tape Bought and Digitized I wonder If he Ripped it from original artist
was a Baby Hardcore Track as Well I can't Stand them 
was of Clip of a Irish Female Singing in Gaelic or Something

Yahoo Flickr Terminated my Account after I didn't Respond over a weekend to a email
Is a Pain in Bum when that happens

My First upload to

And in first day I have Stats
568 Plays
0   RSS downloads

I updated a Profile for MixCloud only 1000 Bytes this time

There is a New Audio Cloud Claiming Unlimited called
Still Got to Check it Out

I will upload Some Cool Edit 2000 Audio Files I made With all Its Types Of Noise Generator but they are Low Quality with some cracks in Sound 
I like them Makes you feel like 
your room is some kind of Retro Galactic Space Ship Cruiser

Static Noise - Background Radiation from the Big Bang
Broadcast Snow
Fuzzy Logik - Quizzed by the Fuzz - QizMass
Chaos Theory
The Force
Quantum Theory
Orderly Theory of the CosMos
Add Link when I upload them in Moment

Well Up went my Second Playlist 18 Tracks
Cool Edit 2000 Audio All My Own Creations 
Except a Vodafone Dialing Tone Theft
And Mother Nature of Course

I wrote a Cool Description for playlist Header
and Have 2 more Files to Add Firework Night and Starling Bird Feeding Time on Big fat Ball

And I wrote for this Track Profile BBC Micro

And I Wrote a Main Profile for My

There was a Limit to 4000 Chars for Profile
and I went Over so Use My Own Program ClipType which I short for Clipboard Type Had it's own editor Box and Char counter
I used to use it for SMS Texting with Bluetooth
Made It a Damn Sight More Concise and to the Point 
Lot redundant words I use


This Particular "Mistress Diana" one Is where I got the Name I use RoidsRim as
Rim From this Part

and Android for the Roids First Part
from Cyborg or Robot
Michelle on USENET and Alt.philosophy 
has The User Name "The Borg"
and My Old Mates Name Andrew Called Android
and I had Thyroid Trouble in and Around Hospital 2007 
According to Nurse Jokes in Corridors a few People Did
But that's a delicate subject Not to Mention It Really
Sex and Politics
Have you Checked Their Thyroids - She Said to a colleague 
Translated to 
Have you Checked Their Nuts

I would have set copyright on RoidsRim 
but bit pathetic it's only a label
but after Google went ahead with naming its software Android
It Least my Email Archive Shows Proof I was there First
At Least I might be responsible for giving Google the inspiration

Many of My Messages on and Alt.Philosophy had linkage ending in my sign out end of message with a Pattern Around Roids

That's where my Near Last Use on USENET was of Polaroids
Which was Partly after the Polar Bear in a Russian Zoo That Hurt Itself Performing acrobatics and Headbutting the Ground a Lot to the Crowd of spectators

Thanks for Reading

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